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Senior Care News

Falls Prevention Month

Home Care in Elizabeth NJ

The month of September is nationally recognized as Fall Prevention Month and the week of September 17-23 has been recognized as Falls Prevention Awareness Week.

Older Adults and children are at greater risk of injury from a fall. Many falls can be prevented with parents and caregivers playing a big role. Falls cause unintentional death and really serious injury. Falls can cause brain injuries or very traumatic hip injuries. Adults that are taking care of their overall health can reduce their risk of falling.

As people get older many of their faculties begin to weaken. Eyesight deteriorates and muscle strength decreases. Staying physically active can reduce risk of falls. Taking classes for fall prevention can be helpful to decrease the chance of a fall. Measures like being careful when walking on wet surfaces or icy concrete and testing vision can help in fall prevention. Knowing medication side effects are also important in preventing falls as some medicine can contribute to falls.

Life alert devices can also play a big role in preventing falls and their sequalae.

Inform your primary care physician of any falls you have had after your last check-up.

Tips to help Prevent Falls

• Find a good balance and exercise program
• Talk with your health care provider
• Regularly review your medications with your doctor
• Get your vision and hearing checked annually and update your eyeglasses
• Keep your home safe
• Talk to your family members

If you or an aging loved on needs home care assistance in Elizabeth, NJ, Please call us at 908-590-1759.

Lorraine Arkaifie, MSN, AGPCNP-BC
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