December is the Universal Month for Human Rights
In 1948 with the memory of World War II still fresh, the United Nations crafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The very first article states: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
One of the most important things you can do throughout the course of this month – and beyond into next year – is to find common ground with the people around you. Human Rights Month is about acknowledging that people of different cultures and creeds are still people. We must be careful of differentiating ourselves from our fellow humans so much that we forget this core truth. Take the time to learn about another culture that is different from yours. If that culture makes you nervous, so much the better. The Dignity & Respect Campaign has some wonderful resources on how to go about this.
By learning about other people and standing up for their rights you encourage equality, justice, and freedom. These values are antithetical to human and labor trafficking. For more information about Universal Human Rights Month, International Human Rights Day, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights click the button above.
December 10 commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was written together by people of different backgrounds with the goal of creating a basic standard for treating all human beings. It has since been used as a model for various human rights legislation. This day has been internationally celebrated for over seventy years and is known as Human Rights Day. Universal Human Rights month extends this celebration throughout the entire month of December.
At Adult Alternative Home Care, we recognize this month and every month as Universal Human Rights by providing dignified care to everyone we serve.
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